[avr-libc-dev] [bug #48480] missing definitions in iox128a1u.h, iox64a1u.h
2016-07-12 00:36:23 UTC

Summary: missing definitions in iox128a1u.h, iox64a1u.h
Project: AVR C Runtime Library
Submitted by: None
Submitted on: Tue 12 Jul 2016 12:36:21 AM UTC
Category: Header
Severity: 3 - Normal
Priority: 5 - Normal
Item Group: Header files
Status: None
Percent Complete: 0%
Assigned to: None
Originator Email: ***@gmail.com
Open/Closed: Open
Discussion Lock: Any
Release: 2.0.0
Fixed Release: None



iox128a1u.h and iox64a1u.h are missing a whole bunch of constants and types. A
quick selection that I've found:


Atmel's official header for this part, dated 2014, has all of these.


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2016-08-11 09:49:46 UTC
Follow-up Comment #1, bug #48480 (project avr-libc):

...anyone? A month to have a simple "definitions missing from headers" report
even acknowledged is silly.


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Joerg Wunsch
2016-08-11 13:44:46 UTC
Post by anonymous
...anyone? A month to have a simple "definitions missing from headers" report
even acknowledged is silly.
What would an acknowledgment get you, actually?

I tend to work down that kind of bugs right before a release.
cheers, Joerg .-.-. --... ...-- -.. . DL8DTL

Never trust an operating system you don't have sources for. ;-)
Chris Pavlina
2016-08-11 14:03:13 UTC
Well, an acknowledgment would demonstrate that the bug tracker is still
actually active, given that this month-old bug is the most recent one on
our tracker and still untouched. It would also demonstrate that the
developers are aware that the bug exists and have a plan for how and/or
when it would be fixed, and perhaps show that the developers are
grateful for the contribution.

On the bug tracker I'm active on (KiCad), we always try to respond to
and triage bug reports as they come, for good reason. Occasionally that
doesn't happen, because we get inundated with reports, but avr-libc only
had two reports that _month_ so I don't think that's much of an excuse.

The bug tracker is a way for developers to communicate with users. It's
generally considered rude to give the silent treatment to people who
communicate with you.

(For reference, I am "anonymous". Savannah screwed up my login and I
couldn't be arsed to figure out why.)
Post by Joerg Wunsch
Post by anonymous
...anyone? A month to have a simple "definitions missing from headers" report
even acknowledged is silly.
What would an acknowledgment get you, actually?
I tend to work down that kind of bugs right before a release.
cheers, Joerg .-.-. --... ...-- -.. . DL8DTL
Never trust an operating system you don't have sources for. ;-)
Markus Hitter
2016-08-11 14:29:10 UTC
Post by Chris Pavlina
The bug tracker is a way for developers to communicate with users.
Correct. Bugs receiving no response mean that people stop sending reports and patches and consider a project to be dead. Writing good bug reports and preparing good patches is quite some work, not a good idea to ignore all this. On top, patches and fixes receive testing only if they hit the code repository.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dipl. Ing. (FH) Markus Hitter
Joerg Wunsch
2016-08-11 17:47:18 UTC
Post by Chris Pavlina
The bug tracker is a way for developers to communicate with users. It's
generally considered rude to give the silent treatment to people who
communicate with you.
Well, the problem of this project (as well as AVRDUDE) is that I'm
almost alone as active developer. In avr-libc, there's still
Pitchumani (of Atmel India), but most others here can be considered
casual contributors at best.

Given that, and that I've got a day job, a family, as well as other
hobbies (I'm not only a developer, but would also like to use that
stuff for my own hobby work), I have a tendency to dedicate some of
my sparetime to these projects rather in larger "chunks", often
eventually then be followed up by a new release. That's also where
I do most of the work on bug and patch trackers.

Of course, I absolutely wouldn't mind having more developers being
active here, but as long as it's a one-man show (or two-man, in caes
of Pitchumani), I somehow have to slice up the time I can spend in
these projects. Otherwise, I'd quickly be burned out completely.

Thus, on simple (and obvious) bugs, I'm just about to fix them in one
of those time slots. I'm trying to be more responsive for things that
really need to be discussed though, or if questions arise.

Sorry for this, but it's the current state. This is not Linux, it's
not FreeBSD (all with a large number of active developers), it's not
KiCAD (which I appreciate very much myself, btw.).
cheers, Joerg .-.-. --... ...-- -.. . DL8DTL

Never trust an operating system you don't have sources for. ;-)
Chris Pavlina
2016-08-11 17:54:11 UTC
Understood. I can't exactly criticize you for not having time when I
have little of my own to offer. Still, I would suggest if you have even
a bit extra, trying to prioritize such that a bit is afforded to the bug
tracker. The avr-libc tracker gets very few bugs, there were only two
for the entire month of July, it doesn't take very long to just assign a
priority and show that the bug has been seen.

I wonder if you'd be willing to accept a bit of help with the bug
tracker. I know we don't know each other and you have no reason to trust
me, but responding to and triaging new bugs on the avr-libc tracker,
especially given the infrequency, is definitely something I could find
time for.
Post by Joerg Wunsch
Post by Chris Pavlina
The bug tracker is a way for developers to communicate with users. It's
generally considered rude to give the silent treatment to people who
communicate with you.
Well, the problem of this project (as well as AVRDUDE) is that I'm
almost alone as active developer. In avr-libc, there's still
Pitchumani (of Atmel India), but most others here can be considered
casual contributors at best.
Given that, and that I've got a day job, a family, as well as other
hobbies (I'm not only a developer, but would also like to use that
stuff for my own hobby work), I have a tendency to dedicate some of
my sparetime to these projects rather in larger "chunks", often
eventually then be followed up by a new release. That's also where
I do most of the work on bug and patch trackers.
Of course, I absolutely wouldn't mind having more developers being
active here, but as long as it's a one-man show (or two-man, in caes
of Pitchumani), I somehow have to slice up the time I can spend in
these projects. Otherwise, I'd quickly be burned out completely.
Thus, on simple (and obvious) bugs, I'm just about to fix them in one
of those time slots. I'm trying to be more responsive for things that
really need to be discussed though, or if questions arise.
Sorry for this, but it's the current state. This is not Linux, it's
not FreeBSD (all with a large number of active developers), it's not
KiCAD (which I appreciate very much myself, btw.).
cheers, Joerg .-.-. --... ...-- -.. . DL8DTL
Never trust an operating system you don't have sources for. ;-)
Chris Pavlina
2016-08-12 19:31:50 UTC
Update of bug #48480 (project avr-libc):

Severity: 3 - Normal => 2 - Minor
Priority: 5 - Normal => 3 - Low
Status: None => Confirmed


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Chris Pavlina
2016-08-12 19:33:02 UTC
Follow-up Comment #2, bug #48480 (project avr-libc):

FWIW this is my bug, and I'll acknowledge it to myself now. :)


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